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QuickBooks Tips > Setup and Customization Tips > New to QuickBooks? Try These Five Activities

New to QuickBooks? Try These Five Activities

Tackling any new piece of software can be daunting. Add a complex process like accounting to the mix, as QuickBooks does, 你可能会对自己学习如何使用它的能力感到担忧.

但QuickBooks是为小企业设计的,而不是为会计师或技术奇才设计的. 它使用熟悉的语言和形式,工作方式和其他Windows程序一样. That doesn't mean, though, 这样你就可以直接投入并开始完成你的会计任务.

Once you've created your company file, 这里有五个步骤让你熟悉QuickBooks,让软件在短时间内启动并运行. 当然,如果您需要帮助创建公司文件,请不要犹豫,打电话给我.

1. Open a sample file.

当您在探索QuickBooks时,使用示例文件是一个好主意. 这样,你就可以在不危及公司档案的情况下四处考察和练习. 您将能够看到完成的记录和交易应该是什么样子,并尝试自己输入示例数据.

图1 - QuickBooks附带了示例文件,允许您练习输入数据而不损害您自己的公司文件.

在打开示例文件之前,您需要关闭当前的公司. 单击左上角的File打开该菜单,然后选择 Close Company. 将打开一个窗口,其中应该包含您的公司文件. 在下面,您将看到三个包含不同选项的框. Click on the down arrow next to Open a sample file,如上图所示(这在您的版本中可能看起来略有不同)。. Choose the one you want to open and click on it. QuickBooks will load again with that file open. When you're done looking at the sample file, go to File | Close Company again. The No Company Open window should appear again. Click on your company file name and then on Open to return to your file.

2. Learn where your lists are.

You'll be storing a great deal of information in lists. 当你在记录或交易中输入信息时,QuickBooks有时会自动维护这些信息. For example, when you create a record for a product or service you sell, 它进入一个主列表,您可以通过打开 Lists menu at the top of the screen and clicking on Item List. You'll also open the Lists 菜单,当您想要将选项添加到现有类型的列表时,例如 Class List (QuickBooks allows you to assign Classes 到交易,这样你就可以对相关信息进行分组,比如 New Construction or Remodel if you're a contractor).

图2 -您有时会从QuickBooks中的命令列表中进行选择. This is the menu for the <strong>Item List</strong>.
图2:您有时会从QuickBooks中的命令列表中进行选择. This is the menu for the Item List.

3. Try a Transaction.

有两种交易你可能用得最多:发票和销售收据. QuickBooks附带的模板类似于这些销售表单的纸质副本. 您只需通过输入数据和从下拉列表中选择选项来填补空白. Open the Customers menu and select Create Invoices. Click the back arrow above Find in the upper left corner to see sample invoices. 然后单击右箭头返回空白表单,并通过单击空白字段中的向下箭头来创建发票,以查看示例列表.

4. Explore Snapshots.

Once you start entering records and transactions, 您将希望能够访问这些信息,从而深入了解公司的运营情况. You'll eventually start running reports in QuickBooks, but the software also accomplishes this through its Snapshots. 它们有三个,它们都通过使用数据表和图表提供这些概述. Open the Company menu and click on Company Snapshot, then click the tabs to move between Company, Payments, and Customer. 您将了解QuickBooks如何提供有关您的财务的实时信息.

5. Look at the Income Tracker.

在QuickBooks中很容易看到发票(和估算)的状态. Open the Customers menu and select Income Tracker. 屏幕顶部的彩色条形图告诉你哪些是未完成的,哪些是已支付的. 相关交易的列表显示在这些条形图的下面.

Figure 3 - This partial view of the Income Tracker tells you how much money is tied up in unbilled <strong>Time & Expenses</strong> and unpaid <strong>Invoices</strong>.
图3:收入跟踪器的这个部分视图告诉您有多少钱未结算 Time & Expenses and unpaid Invoices.

当你第一次开始使用QuickBooks时,它可能会让你不知所措, 但是QuickBooks的专业人员可以通过培训帮助你轻松过渡. 如果您需要协助将您现有的会计信息转移到软件中,或对QuickBooks软件有任何疑问, don't hesitate to call.

Stay healthy and best wishes for a more prosperous 2021.

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