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Anatomy of a QuickBooks Inventory Item

When you started your business, 也许你可以通过窥视壁橱或车库来跟踪你的库存. As it grew, that simply took too long. 但是你厌倦了库存耗尽,因为你没有时间经常检查库存水平, 你忘记了那些卖不出去、被藏在角落里的东西.

You need inventory-tracking. QuickBooks可以帮助您为所销售的每种产品创建完整的记录. 它会记录你手头的库存,并在库存不足时发出警告. 它的报告告诉你什么在卖,什么不卖, so you can make better, smarter purchasing decisions.

Activating Inventory-Tracking

在开始创建项目记录并将其包含在事务之前, 您需要确保QuickBooks已设置为开始跟踪. Open the Edit menu and click Preferences. Click Items & Inventory 在左侧垂直窗格中,然后选择 Company Preferences tab. This window will open:


首先,当然,点击左边的方框 Inventory and purchase orders are active if it is not already checked. Click the next box down if applicable. 本窗口的其余部分涉及您需要理解的两个概念. Quantity on Hand 指的是你实际 have. Quantity Available subtracts items currently on Sales Orders. 如果您没有足够的特定项目提交给客户,QuickBooks会警告您. 你只需要决定哪个定义 Quantity you want to use.

When you are done here, click OK.

Accuracy Matters

现在您可以开始为您销售的产品输入记录. Accuracy is absolutely essential here. 在探索QuickBooks的跟踪功能时,您将了解其中的原因.

有几种方法可以打开项目记录窗口. You can click Items & Services in the upper right corner of the Home Page, or open the Lists menu and select Item List. 两者都将打开一个窗口,显示已在注册表类型视图中输入的任何项目记录. Right-click anywhere and select New, or click the arrow next to Item in the lower left corner and select New.


QuickBooks允许您为多种类型的项目创建记录,包括 Service, Discount, and Inventory Assembly. 若要查看库存跟踪的工作原理,请选择 Inventory Part from the drop-down menu under TYPE. Next, enter an Item Name/Number in that field.

如果您已经命名了一个主要类别(如 Hardware(在上面的示例中),并希望将您的产品放在它的子类别中,请单击 Subitem of box and choose from the drop-down list. Manufacturer's Part Number is optional. You can ignore UNIT OF MEASURE,如果您的QuickBooks版本中没有此选项.

Purchase Information

如果您从供应商处购买此项目,请填写窗口的这一边. Write the description that should appear on purchase transactions when you place an order. Enter the cost you pay for it, and select the COGS (销货成本)帐户,如果默认值不正确. 你只从一个供应商那里购买这个产品吗? 在下面的下拉菜单中选择名称 Preferred Vendor.

Sales Information

输入您希望客户在发票上看到的描述和您将收取的价格. 如果你不确定要选择什么 Tax Code or Income Account 或需要帮助了解你的会计科目表,以及这些科目如何用于记录和交易, please call the office.

Inventory Information

这就是软件追踪功能的用武之地. QuickBooks will probably default to your Inventory Asset account, which is fine. 当您收到重新订购的提醒时,请输入应该在库存中的最小商品数量, 以及任意时刻的最大值. Fill in the On Hand field with the number you currently have. QuickBooks将自动计算 Total Value.

In the screen shot above, 当您开始在事务中使用该项目时,您将看到最后一行的示例. You will see its Average Cost 以及当前在采购订单和销售订单上的数量.

为你销售的每一件产品创建记录可能是一项乏味、耗时的工作. 但回报来自于你对库存的实时了解,这将导致你做得更好, smarter purchasing decisions. As always, help is just a phone call away.

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