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Go Back to School With QuickBooks' Educational Tools

We know. 当您第一次破解QuickBooks副本时,您想要深入并开始生成发票. 幸运的是,QuickBooks足够直观,您可以做到这一点. 它的帮助系统非常强大,您可以快速轻松地回答程序问题.

但是有很多关于备份和利用QuickBooks提供的无数教育工具的说法. 即使你已经使用这个程序好几个月了,你也可能想要探索它们. 使用帮助系统不仅可以节省时间,还可以找到更好的执行任务的方法.

Learn By Watching

The QuickBooks Learning Center, 这是你安装程序时看到的第一件事, is always available by clicking Help | Learning Center Tutorials. 它包括许多多媒体教程和附加帮助的链接. As shown in Figure 1,这些教程值得您在学习像Payroll这样棘手的话题之前先看一看.


虽然你可以完全从菜单中使用QuickBooks的功能, 该计划的主页旨在指导您完成核心会计流程. 如果你是QuickBooks和/或会计的新手,你可以使用 Coach function to better understand the flow. Click on Show Coach Tips in the vertical pane to the right of the main screen.

As shown in Figure 2, you'll see a small "i" next to some icons. Click on one, like the one next to Purchase Orders. 相关图标会亮起来,旁边会出现代表它们逻辑顺序的数字. 鼠标悬停在其中一个图标上可阅读该功能的简要说明. When you're done, click Hide Coach Tips to make them disappear.


Other Support Options

No matter how much you study and prepare, 你可能仍然会遇到需要专家指导的情况. 我们可以在这里提供真正的资源,因为我们拥有指导您完成安装和设置的专业知识, 这些流程对于您与QuickBooks的有效持续关系至关重要. 当你面临其他令人生畏的会计障碍时,我们也可以提供帮助.

Another option for expert help is Intuit. 公司提供的支持计划可能在你的预算之内,也可能不在你的预算之内, 但是,如果你预计需要经常回答问题,这当然是需要考虑的事情. The best value is the Annual Support Plan ($349 for first year; $299 thereafter). You get 24x7 phone support, data backup and recovery services, 和学习工具只能在支持计划中提供.

Intuit also hosts an in-depth online support presence. Click Help | Support to get to the main page as shown in Figure 3. Installation, troubleshooting (with guides to error messages), company and data file management, general procedures--they're all covered there. 您可以搜索支持数据库或按主题浏览. 这些资源和其他资源都可以在QuickBooks的嵌入式浏览器中获得(你必须有互联网接入才能访问它), as with many other features of the program -- click Help | Internet Connection Setup if you're not already set up).


Interactive Help

如果你还没有访问过QuickBooks的互动论坛,你应该去看看. Click on the Live Community 选项卡在最右边的垂直窗格的顶部,如果它还没有显示(窗格在它和 Help). As shown in Figure 4,你可以在这里输入问题,并从其他用户和/或Intuit专业人士那里获得答案.

图4:Intuit在其QuickBooks帮助工具调色板中包含了交互. Live Community 提供来自用户的问题以及来自用户和Intuit专业人士的随附答案.

For the expanded Intuit community, click on the Visit the Intuit Community link at the bottom of the Live Community pane.

当然,不要忘记QuickBooks帮助方案的核心 Help pane. You can get a lot of your questions answered here. 此窗格不断更改以显示相对于当前屏幕的内容. 该内容提供了概念的解释以及逐步说明.

所以,当你在QuickBooks中尝试的东西不起作用时,不要放弃你的失败. 记住Intuit、QuickBooks本身以及像我们这样的专家提供了多少帮助. Some additional schooling may just be in order.

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