

The number of people who are financially unprepared for retirement is staggering. One study revealed that more than half of the adults in the U.S. were planning to depend solely on 社会保障 for retirement income. 另一项研究表明,绝大多数美国人的储蓄远远不够. 这份财务指南为你提供了开始这项重要任务所需的信息.


To enjoy your retirement years, you need to begin planning early. With longer life expectancies and the growing senior population, people need to begin planning and saving for retirement in their 30s or even sooner. 充分的计划可以帮助确保你不会花光你的积蓄,你也不会在经济上依赖别人.

It is never too late to start or to improve a retirement plan. This Financial Guide shows you the basics of retirement planning, and will enable you to get started or to revamp an existing plan. 基本上,退休计划有三个步骤:

  1. 估计你的退休收入
  2. 估计你的退休需要
  3. 决定投资
在估计未来的收入需求和收入来源时,一定要保守估计. 这将确保你不会欺骗自己.


Most people have three possible sources of retirement income: (1) 社会保障, (2)养老金支付, (3)储蓄和投资. 必须通过储蓄和投资(你可以计划)提供的收入只有在你估计了你可以从社会保障和任何养老金计划(你几乎无法控制)中获得的收入之后才能确定。.


Estimate how much you can expect in the way of 社会保障 retirement income. 要做到这一点, 你应该向社会保障局提交一份“收入和福利估算请求”. This form can be obtained from SSA by calling their toll-free number: 800-772-1213. 你也可以通过社会保障管理网站在线申请福利声明.

计划的援助: You can also request a benefits statement online through the 社会保障局 网站.

许多人无需提出申请,就能得到未来社会保障福利的估计. 您可能已经在邮件中收到了这样的估计.

The amount of 社会保障 benefits you will receive depends on how long you worked, 你开始领取福利的年龄, 你的总收入是多少?.

如果你等到法定退休年龄(65到67岁), depending on your year of birth) to begin receiving benefits, 如果你选择从62岁开始领取退休金,那么你每月的退休金将会更多. The full retirement age will increase gradually to age 67 by the year 2027.

Be aware that 社会保障 benefits may be subject to income tax. 基本规则是,如果你调整后的总收入加上免税利息加上一半的社会保障福利超过25美元,000元,或超过32元,一对夫妇000美元, then some portion of your 社会保障 benefit will be subject to income tax. 随着调整后的总收入水平的提高,征税的金额也会增加.

相关指南: 此外,如果你在领取社会保障的同时赚取收入,你的福利可能会减少. 具体规则参见《手机赌博软件》: 社会保障福利:如何获得最大.


估计一下你可以从传统的养老金计划或其他退休计划中得到多少钱. If you are covered by a traditional pension plan and you are vested, 问问你的雇主,如果你继续工作到退休年龄或在其他情况下,你预计能得到多少钱, 例如, 如果你在退休年龄前离职. 您可能已经收到了这样的估计.

如果你参加了401(k)计划, 利润分享计划, 基奥计划, 或简化雇员退休金, make an estimate of the lump sum that will be available to you at retirement age. You may be able to get help with this estimate from your employer.

If you are in the military or formerly served in the military, contact the relevant branch of service to find out about retirement benefits.



Determine how much income you will need (or want) after retirement. 一旦你确定了这个数量, 你可以算出你需要存多少钱才能有一个足够大的储蓄来满足你想要的收入水平.

许多人没有意识到他们的退休可以和他们的职业生涯一样长:35年或更长. Your nest egg may have to last much longer than you might think. Remember that the earlier you retire, the more you will have to save. 如果你想在55岁退休,你必须比65岁退休时存更多的钱.

一般来说,你希望在退休前拥有至少70%的收入. 如果你有任何特殊需要或愿望, 例如, a desire to travel extensively-the percentage should be adjusted upward. 70%的数字并不能代替你对退休后收入需求的彻底分析, 但这只是一个指导方针.


计算出你当前的年度开支. 要想弄清楚退休后你每年的开销,第一步就是弄清楚你现在的开销. 拿一年的支票簿, 信用卡, 以及储蓄账户记录, 把你付的保险费加起来, 抵押贷款, 食物, 家庭开支, 等等.......

Figure Out How Your Expenses Will Differ After Retirement. 退休后,你的开支通常会比工作时少得多. To help determine how much lower, here are some questions you might ask yourself:

  • 你的抵押贷款能还清吗?
  • 你还会支付交通费吗?
  • 你要付多少健康保险?
如果你不是少数从前雇主那里获得退休后医疗保险的幸运儿, 退休后,你可能会为医疗保险支付更多的钱,不得不参加所谓的“医疗保险”.

  • Will you increase or decrease your life insurance coverage?
  • 你要付多少旅费? (Do you want to travel after you retire, either on vacation or to visit relatives? 你会往返于冬天和夏天的家之间吗?)
  • 退休后你会在业余爱好上花更多的钱吗?
  • 当你退休的时候,你的孩子会在经济上独立吗?还是你必须考虑给他们一些支持?
  • 你的所得税账单是相同的,低的还是高的?
如果你打算退休到另一个州, take into account the different state taxes you will be paying.

这些问题的答案将帮助你确定退休后的年度开支. 然后从这个估计中减去已经可行来源的预期年收入. (Do not subtract the lump-sum payments you expect to receive, 例如, 从401(k)计划中一次性支付, 这将在后面讨论). 两者之间的差额就是每年的差额,这笔差额必须由你需要积累的储备金来填补.

你如何决定你每年需要存多少钱才能在退休时攒够那么多钱呢? 你可以使用下面的表格,假设税后回报率为每年5%. 只需将所需的储备金乘以退休前的储蓄乘数.

你现在40岁,想在65岁退休. You determine that you need a nest egg of $350,000 to fund your annual shortfall. To find out how much you must save each year to have that $350,到你65岁的时候,你就能存到5000美元, 用350美元,25年储蓄乘数(2.1%). 你需要节省$7,350 (2).1%乘以35万美元),持续25年.

Subtract from this nest egg any lump sums that you expect to receive at retirement. 预测当前资产(退休账户、储蓄、投资等)在退休时的价值.); multiply the current value of this asset by the 增长的乘数 for the number of years until retirement.

你已经在401(k)计划中有75,000美元. 为了找出这个数字在25年后会增长到多少, 乘以25年的增长乘数. This $75,000 will grow to $254,250 (339 percent times $75,000) by the time you retire. Subtract this $254,250 from the $350,000 needed in the previous example. 这个数额($95,750)是你在65岁之前必须积累的数额,以弥补收入不足. Multiply this $95,750 by the 25-year savings multiplier (2.1%). 你现在知道了, 在考虑了预计的一次性付款后, 你仍然需要节省2美元,010.每年75美元,累计95,750美元.

退休前年限      存款乘数      增长的乘数     
5 18.1% 128%
10 8.0% 163%
15 4.6% 208%
20 3.0% 265%
25 2.1% 339%
30 1.5% 432%



一般, 你离退休的时间越长, the more of your savings should be invested in vehicles with a potential for growth. 如果你即将退休或即将退休, you may wish to put the bulk of your savings into low-risk investments. 然而, this formula is subject to your own financial profile: your tolerance for risk, 你的收入水平, 你退休收入的其他来源(例如.g.(养老金支付),以及你的独特需求.

相关指南: 请参阅财务指南: 投资基础:你应该知道的.

以下是各种退休储蓄投资的利弊及其优缺点的总结. Please note that each of these is discussed in more detail in related 手机赌博软件下载排行指南.


每年, 在401(k)计划中最大化你的存款, 一个爱尔兰共和军, 基奥计划, 或者其他形式的延税储蓄. Because this money grows tax-deferred, returns will be greater. Further, if the amount you put in is deductible, you are reducing your income tax base.


Money market funds, CDs, and Treasury bills are the most conservative investments. 然而,在这三种债券中,只有国库券提供的利率能跟上通货膨胀. 为普通个人的退休储蓄, it is recommended that these vehicles make up only a portion of investments.

相关指南: 请参阅财务指南: 资产配置:如何多样化以获得最大收益.


债券在一定时期内提供固定的收益率. The income from bonds is higher than income from Treasury bills.

债券的价值随利率而波动, 因此比风险最低的投资风险更大. 如果债券被用作保守投资, 使用期限较短的是一个好主意, 尽量减少可能发生的价值波动.


Although common stock is riskier than any other investment yet discussed, 它提供了更大的回报潜力.


共同基金是一个很好的退休储蓄工具. By balancing a mutual fund portfolio to minimize risk and maximize growth, a higher return can be achieved than with safer investments.

相关指南: 请参阅财务指南: 投资共同基金:久经考验的指导方针.


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