


是的, generally under the same rules that would apply to your withdrawals of the same amounts had you lived - unless it's a Roth 爱尔兰共和军. A Roth 爱尔兰共和军 is exempt from federal income tax if the account was opened five years before any withdrawals.

此外,你的配偶可以将你的账户转到他们的个人退休账户. 无论受益人的年龄如何,都不会受到提前提款的处罚. 然而, a spouse who rolled over to an 爱尔兰共和军 may owe an early withdrawal penalty on 爱尔兰共和军 withdrawals taken before age 59 1/2.



Only a small percentage of estates (based on the value of one's assets at death (including large lifetime gifts) are subject to the estate tax, 而且,对遗赠给未亡配偶或慈善机构的资产也不征收遗产税. 然而, 如果遗产需要缴纳联邦遗产税(2010年除外), 没有遗产税的时候), 你可以扣除归于爱尔兰共和军的那部分联邦遗产税. You also won't have to pay tax on the portion of withdrawals attributed to any nondeductible contributions made to the 爱尔兰共和军.



No. 遗产按年金的现值征税.



You can minimize or eliminate tax on inherited retirement assets by using the following methods:

  1. 把它们留给你的配偶. Doing so saves money owed to estate tax and helps postpone withdrawals subject to income tax - provided your spouse takes no withdrawals before age 59 1/2.

  2. 把他们留给慈善机构吧. Although there's no financial benefit to the family, this saves income and estate taxes.

  3. 把他们留给家人, 剩余部分以慈善信托的形式捐给慈善机构. 这种选择减少了遗产税,对家庭有一些好处.

  4. 提供人寿保险,为退休资产缴纳遗产税. 这种选择的好处是它提供了房地产流动性, 避免应税分配以支付遗产税.



If your assets are in a tax-favored retirement fund such as a company or Keogh pension or profit-sharing plan (including thrift and savings plans), 401(k), 爱尔兰共和军, 或者股票红利计划,当分配的时候, 你有几个选择:

  • 一次把所有的东西都拿走
  • Keep the money in the account, with regular distributions or withdrawals on an as-needed basis
  • 用全部或部分资金购买年金
  • 取部分存款(把余额留到以后取)
  • 取一个翻转分布
  • 以上任何一种的组合

Your retirement assets may be distributed in kind as employer stock or an annuity or insurance contract. Sometimes certain withdrawal options may be associated with certain retirement plans; for instance, 年金在养老金计划中更为常见. 其他类型的计划倾向于其他选择, 但在大多数情况下, 这些选项中的大多数都适用于大多数计划. 而且很有可能, you'll want to preserve the tax shelter as long as possible by withdrawing no more than you need at any given time.

戒瘾的时机也是一个因素. 在59岁半之前提款有被罚款的风险. 在另一端, withdrawals are generally required to start at age 73 for taxpayers born between 1951 and 1959 (75 for those born in 1960 or later) or face a tax penalty. The only exceptions are Roth ira and non-owner-employees still working beyond that age.



你的个人需要决定. 你可能需要一笔钱来购买退休住宅或生意. 如果你的雇主要求你一次性分配, 把它转到个人退休账户可能是明智的.


What should I do about my retirement plan assets in my ex-employer's plan if I change jobs?


  1. 如果你不需要这些资产来维持生活, 尽量继续避税,把钱留在原来的地方.

  2. Transfer or roll over the assets into your new employer's plan if that plan allows it (this can be tricky, 虽然).

  3. 如果你决定自己创业,那就建立一个基奥账户,把资金转移到那里.

  4. 把它们转到你的个人退休账户里.



在一般情况下, 雇主计划,比如401(k), ira, and 养老金计划 funds are protected from general creditors unless you've used these assets as securities against a loan or are entering into bankruptcy. 如果是这样的话, 它们有可能被扣押, 但如果钱存在注册的爱尔兰共和军账户里, 养老金计划, 或401 (k), it's more than likely they will be protected in case of bankruptcy (subject to state and federal law of course).




  1. 而提款在有所得税的州通常是要征税的, 有些国家为退休收入提供最高限额的补助.

  2. If your state doesn't allow deductions for Keogh or 爱尔兰共和军 investments allowed under federal law, 这些投资,有时甚至更多的投资都可以免税返还.

  3. 国家不太可能对提前或不充分提款进行税收处罚.


I understand that I'm required to take money out of my retirement plan after I reach age 73. 这是为什么??

Retirement plans offer the biggest tax shelter in the federal system since funds grow tax-free while in the plan. 但这个避难所主要是为退休人员准备的. So when you reach 73 (or shortly after that), you must start withdrawing money from the plan.



对这些资产中的许多资产,避难所可以持续很长一段时间, 假设你不需要它们来维持生活. 你可以在一段时间内分散提款, 但是比, 你的预期寿命, 例如, 至少有26年.如果你现在73岁,5年. 但是,如果您愿意,您可以以更快的速度提取甚至全部提取. 不管什么东西没有撤离,庇护所都在继续.


假设我死后账户里还有退休资产. 收容所能否继续为那些获得这些资产的人服务?

Many rules regarding inherited retirement accounts changed with the passage of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act of 2019 and the SECURE 2.《手机赌博软件》. 例如, 如果你的配偶比你已故的配偶年轻不超过10岁, 如果你比你年轻十岁以上,你会有不同的选择. 由于这些规则的复杂性, it is important to speak with a qualified financial advisor before making any decisions.



退休计划中的钱, 其中包括401 (k) s, ira, 公司养老金, 还有其他计划, 是按您的居住地纳税吗. You will save money on state income tax if you move from a state with a high personal income tax, 比如纽约或新泽西, 没有个人所得税的人, 比如阿拉斯加, 佛罗里达, 内华达, 南达科塔州, 德州, 华盛顿, 和怀俄明州. 然而, establishing residence in a new state may take as long as one year; if you retain property in both states, 你可能欠这两个人的税.



A reverse mortgage is a type of home equity loan that allows you to convert some of the equity in your home into cash while you retain home ownership. 反向抵押贷款的运作方式与传统抵押贷款非常相似,只是方向相反. 而不是每个月向你的贷款人付款,贷款人支付给你. 大多数反向抵押贷款不要求偿还任何本金, 感兴趣, 或者只要你住在你的房子里就收取服务费.

Retired people may want to consider the reverse mortgage as a way to generate cash flow. A reverse mortgage allows homeowners age 62 and over to remain in their homes while using their built-up equity for any purpose: to make repairs, 跟上房产税或者只是支付他们的账单.

反向抵押贷款正在增加债务贷款, which means that the 感兴趣 is added to the principal loan balance each month (because it is not paid on a current basis). 因此, the total amount of 感兴趣 you owe increases significantly with time as the 感兴趣 compounds. 反向抵押贷款也会用掉你房子里的部分或全部资产.

三种贷款计划, 是否由fha担保, lender-insured, 或没有保险, 收取发起费用和成交费用. Insured plans also charge insurance premiums, and some impose mortgage servicing charges.

最后, homeowners should realize that if they're forced to move soon after taking the mortgage (because of illness, 例如), they'll almost certainly end up with a great deal less equity to live on than if they had simply sold the house outright. 对于5年或更短时间内终止的贷款尤其如此.


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